Specialized Technologies

Diagnodent LaserCosmetic ImagingDigital X-rays | Intraoral Camera


Specialized Technologies for Patient Benefit

Many new technologies appear on the market every year.  It is important to choose only those that have true benefit for the patient. Otherwise high tech will only equate to higher costs with little or no improvement in patient care.  CDE searches for those technologies which will optimize the return for their patients.


Diagnodent Laser

Using the latest and most accurate caries detection tools (Diagnodent), dental caries can be located and quantified at the earliest possible stages of decay.  This greatly reduces both the amount of tooth structure that needs to be removed and the possibility of incorrectly diagnosing decay when it actually does not exist.  It is a great complementary tool to hand, clinical evaluation.


Cosmetic Imaging

Through the use of Nikon digital photography patients have an opportunity to look at their smiles as others see them.  The latest version of Adobe Photoshop, the world leader in photographic management software, is used to help refine the vision of the patient’s future smile. Cosmetic Imaging (CI) and diagnostic wax-ups of the final smile design offer a great benefit to the patient toward understanding the process that will be taken to bring them the smile they have always desired.  This involves the patient in the decision making process and greatly improves doctor-patient relations.


Digital X-rays

Digital Radiography (DR) has been a highly beneficial advancement in dental care. 

  • DR permits x-ray imaging with much less radiation exposure than with conventional x-ray films.
  • DR images can be manipulated to improve analysis of the data and create more accurate diagnoses.
  • Because digital images (both x-rays and photos) are standard electronic files, they can be safely transmitted repeatedly, using HIPAA regulations, to insurance companies electronically without fear of loss.  This speeds up claim approval and payment.  Most major insurance companies prefer this method of claim submission.  For companies that do not accept electronic file transfers, standard, printed claims and image attachments can be mailed.
  • Using TV monitors in the treatment or consultation rooms, patients can see exactly what the doctor sees.
  • With explanation of the images, and evaluation of the appropriate options for treatment, the patients will know, understand and believe they are choosing the best course of treatment for themselves BEFORE treatment begins.
  • One of the main advantages of digital photography as applied to dental care is that patients can see themselves as others do.  It is often difficult to visualize how one appears to others.
  • By reviewing pre-treatment photos on the monitors, patients can better understand and choose the course of care they feel is in their best interest.
  • When complex dental care is planned, DR and photo images can be sent under HIPAA privacy regulations to any specialist (local, regional or national) for review and consultation simultaneously with Dr. Prus.  This allows for more comprehensive treatment planning for patients without them having to travel to various offices to familiarize the doctors with the case.

 CAT Scans (CT Scans) are x-rays driven by computer programs too analyze the upper or lower arches in detailed 3-D slices.

  •  ‘CT Scans’ are often used in implant dental care to examine the mouth in a 3-D format. To avoid error in implant placement, which may result in an unacceptable aesthetic or functional result, a CT Scan, along with a CAD-CAM templates (computer assisted design-computer assisted manufacture) can direct implant placement with great precision.  CT Scans also allow the implantologist to know exactly where any problems are before starting treatment.  In implant and reconstructive dentistry, mistakes are expensive, but with CT Scans they are almost totally eliminated.
  • CT Scans and extractions: CAT Scans sometimes provide critical diagnostic information when difficult surgical procedures, such as a deeply impacted tooth, needs to be performed.  When such teeth are near the lower, lingual, nerve, it is vital to know exactly how it physically is positioned relative to the nerve.  Damage to the nerve can cause life-long numbness on that side of the lower jaw and is very uncomfortable.  The CT Scan can prevent such damage by exactly identifying the location of the nerve.  The money spent for the scan is very well worthwhile.

Dr. Prus always insists CT-Scans always be taken to avoid all the above problems and so he can provide the finest possible result for his patients.

Intra-Oral Camera

Intra-oral camera imaging greatly assists the patients understanding of what exactly is happening in their mouths.  Detailed images of individual or groups of teeth can be displayed on TV monitors in each treatment room.  Dentistry is much easier for a patient to understand with the images from the intra-oral camera assisting in their awareness of any problems.  This is part of the trust building process at CDE.


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