FMR Treatment Options

Full Mouth Reconstructive Treatment Options

When is Reconstructive Care Needed

Reconstructive dentistry is a very important service for those patients who have lost the functioning balance throughout their mouths.  This occurs through various processes:

  • Teeth in poor natural position in one or more arches.
  • Loss of a sufficient number of teeth (from any process: gum disease, decay, etc.) to allow the remaining teeth to tilt and move out of position.
  • Excessive wear on the biting surfaces
  • Poor structure of the bones that support the teeth, putting the teeth in poor functional relation.
  • Severe trauma that seriously damaged teeth
  • Structural (genetic) defects 
  • Teeth that are tilted or out of balance. Teeth that are held in the bone at angles can cause the bone to deteriorate, weakening their support.  Therefore, it is vital that teeth be in balance during function.  They will last a lifetime if they are and are properly cared for.  Any dentistry that is done on teeth in balance will also last longer. The goal of reconstructive dentistry is to recreate that balance in function between opposing teeth.
  • Combinations of any or all of the above conditions

Components of Reconstructive Dentistry

 Reconstructive dentistry can utilize any and all aspects of dental care

  • In simpler cases it may be necessary to only straighten the teeth (orthodontics--braces) to put them in balance. 
  • Other times orthodontics is combined with restorative treatment; these, in turn, can employ any of the cosmetic services.
  • Root canal therapy, implants, oral and periodontal surgery are additional treatment venues that are available 
  • In more advanced cases in which the jaw bones are also out of position with each other, orthognathic treatment (realigning the bones of the jaws) is used in conjunction with other dental specialties. 
  • In all cases achieving functional balance as quickly and easily as possible is the goal
  • Once that is accomplished final restorations, if needed, can be completed successfully
  • All reconstructive cases are maintained by detailed, precise periodontal maintenance

The sequencing of treatment for each case is determined by the conditions that exist in a patient's mouth. There is no set pattern except for the initial gathering of information, creating the diagnostic wax-up if needed, and communicating with the patient and any specialists involved in the case. In any and all cases Dr. Prus will look for the most effective, efficient process that creates the greatest value to his patients. He may choose a simpler, more economic route for a given patient and another may require complex therapy. All the options with their associated costs will be discussed in advance.



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